Skip to content 1) Stages of Bedsores: Bedsore injuries are described in four stages

- The skin will look red and feel warm to the touch. It may be itchy.
- There may be a painful open sore or a blister, with discolored skin around it.
- A crater-like appearance may develop, due to tissue damage below the skin’s surface.
- Severe damage to skin and tissue, possibly with infection. Muscles, bones, and tendons may be visible.
2) Prevention of Bedsores: Frequently repositioning yourself is the best way to prevent Bedsores. Other strategies include:

- Patient on the wheelchair must be moved for every 15-20 minutes. Patient on the bed must be moved for every 45 minutes. This is NON-NEGOTIABLE.
- Daily skin inspections.
- Keeping the skin healthy and dry.
- Maintain good nutrition to enhance overall health and wound healing.
- Exercises! Because it improves blood circulation. It is a must even if they must be carried out on the bed.
3) Healing Bedsores with GoHeal®: GoHeal® helps with the recovery of such sores and promotes skin integrity back into the affected area.

- Wash the wound gently with water and a mild soap. Apply GoHeal® Ointment and bandage the wound.
- Control incontinence as far as possible.
- GoHeal® Ointment protects the wound, promotes regeneration of healthy tissues and accelerates healing. Dress the wound for every 24 hours.